Friday, 13 November 2015


Tauhu Bakar is a food that many find it delicious and sensational but what is tauhu bakar really? What is it made of? What makes a good tauhu bakar? Let's start at the beginning.

Tauhu or better known in English as Tofu is a food that was introduced in ancient China dynasty over 2200 years ago. Overtime, tofu gradually spread its influence to all over Asia and eventually Southeast Asia. It was believed that with the spread of Buddism all over Asia, tofu was one of the many cultures that was spread along with.

Tofu or Tauhu 

Now in the 21st century, in our country Malaysia with the clash of so many cultures since our independence, tofu is one of the many food that has seen so many forms on it; tauhu bakar, tauhu goreng, and more.

Tauhu Bakar on the other hand means grilled tofu in english. Yes, grilled. You put the tofu on a bbq grill or something similar and you flip it around until it cooks. Afterwards, you put a specially made sauce and pour over it. Of course there are other ingredients that are important as well but that's the gist of it. 

A good tauhu bakar is a food that anyone will surely know the moment they taste it. It has a sense of crunchiness that entices you for more along with a sauce that helps to further deepen and enhances your tastes buds and with the help of some side ingredients mixed in, you have yourself a truly spectacle of a dish. To be the right one, it must have the right combination and balance among all the ingredients.  

With tofu so embedded in our culture, it is one of the main reasons why my family and I had decided to branch out into this niche of a market. Tauhu Bakar is one of the dishes that we have decided to do and we have been operating for more than 2 years now, ever since the year of 2013. Since then, we been trying to cater to as many events as possible, to introduce to the people, our version of tauhu bakar and we have been trying ever since.

Picture of our tauhu bakar. 

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